Before competing with others or completing challenging season mode games, all players must learn how to do perform basic moves such as moving and shooting. The players are moved using the virtual stick. The dribbling is done automatically. Players make a shot by tapping, holding and releasing the shoot button.
Ball passing is achieved by tapping the pass button. The ball is passed to a free player that has the potential to score some points or to move the ball forward towards the basket.
Guarding the opponent is a viable tactic that should be used to prevent them from scoring or to reduce their chances of making a good shot. When the guard button is tapped, players will go towards the opponent who is holding the ball. It’s possible to take the ball from the opponent when guarding him.
Alley oop moves are meant to score points. They are performed when one player quickly passes the ball to a player that is located near the basket. The one close to the basket then catches the ball and scores points with a dunk move. The basketball does not touch the ground when it’s passed from player to player. To perform such a move in NBA Live Mobile, players have to tap the drive button first and then slide left towards the pass button.
Some NBA Live Mobile players have special abilities. There are two requirements needed to use a special ability. Players need to have an appropriate position on the court and the special ability has to be charged to the maximum. A special ability button appears when players are ready to perform such a move.
This is all players need to know to win their first NBA Live Mobile match. The last part of the tutorial requires players to win a match. All the basic moves are used including blocks that are made by tapping the block button.